School Field Trips
"The Best School Day Ever"
The North West and XY trading posts, and the Ojibwe Village constructed at Forts Folle Avoine are accurate depictions reflecting the close relationship that existed between the European fur traders and their Ojibwe trading partners who operated here between 1802 and 1805.
Our school field trips provide teachers and students with historical information and entertainment as the period-dressed guide speaks about the life and culture of these early occupants. School Field Trips usually take about one-and-a-half to two hours. An additional hour might be needed for bag lunches, viewing the exhibits, or enjoying the opportunity to visit the Gift Shop. On request, advanced students can make arrangements to do research onsite and we welcome requests for such study. School Field Trip Comments: "Thank you for a great day at the Fort! My kids loved every minute of it, and I know the rest of the fourth graders from Amery did as well. We look forward to seeing you in the future." Thanks again, Brenda Croes 4th Grade Teacher Amery Intermediate School |